Thursday, October 11, 2007

1st Class Details!

When and where to meet tomorrow....
You'll be meeting tomorrow in the lobby of The Dance Theater Workshop at 219 West 19th Street (between 7th and 8th Avenues). There is a huge banner hanging along side the Dance Theater Workshop, which we call DTW, that you can't miss.
In fact, this is it (just look for the lights in the sidewalk..:)

By Train:
You can take the 1 or 9 train to 18th street OR the 2,3,F,L, A,C,E train to 14th street. A great resource to figure out how to navigate the city is

Make sure to arrive 10 – 15 minutes early!
When you get to the Dance Theater Workshop (DTW), sign in at the ticket window on your left, then wait in the lobby. Brian McCormick, your instructor, will bring you all up at 4:30.
The first performance you will see is next Friday.

(I suggest printing this out so you have all the information at hand.)

Brian McCormick is your instructor! And this is his contact info....
Brian will provide you with his contact info at class. Program our numbers into your phone! Call if you have trouble finding the Dance Theater Workshop. Text if, for whatever reason, you are going to be late. And don't forget to include your name!

And don’t forget to bring a pen and a notebook!


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