Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Apply for Dance TRaC

Applications for spring Dance TRaC are now available for eligible high school students at www.high5tix.org/TRaC.

Come together with people from different backgrounds and schools who want to explore the arts and sharpen their critical eye.  Imagine yourself and these 12 peers attending world-class performances, meeting professional artists and critics, and breaking it down in weekly two-hour workshops.  All while improving your writing!

What else will you do in Dance TRaC?

  • Attend at least 5 performances
  • Experience the NYC arts world with behind-the-scenes access
  • Learn from high-profile professional artists and critics
  • Expand your critical writing and dialogue skills
  • Publish reviews read by thousands
  • Meet like-minded peers from all over NY and NJ
  • Master New York City’s public transportation system
  • Discover more about yourself!
ArtsConnection/High 5 partners with Dance Theater Workshop to bring you the best in the dance and performance from around the city.  The Dance TRaC schedule is as follows* (subject to change):

TRaC Kickoff Party, 4:30 - 6:15, March 16

8 Classes on Fridays @ Dance Theater Workshop,  4:30 - 6:30
March 19, March 26, (off March 31 for Winter Break)
April 9, April 16, April 23 (off April 28 for Spring Break)
May 7, May 14, May 21
+ the 5 or 6 performances TBD

The TRaC Finale, 2:00 - 4:00, May 22

Download a TRaC flier and application today at www.high5tix.org/TRaC.  Or attend our Open House on February 25th to get more information.  Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis.  (Yes, all former TRaC participants may take another TRaC class.  Yes, you must resubmit an application).

Applications are due on March 4th.